Home of the Pirates

Tonya Vanover

Ms. Tonya Vanover


Hello All,

When thinking of what I can share with those checking our school & community it’s pretty overwhelming. I’m a teacher from industry & just tickled pink to be here at Bickleton. I have taught in industry for many years. I have taught various science classes to diverse student bodies in Phoenix AZ, Houston, TX, Eastern and Central Washington. My students have been middle, high and college level students.

My academic background and social perspective is quite broad. My ultimate emphasis is my passion – Science. I’ve studied at multiple secondary institutions under many professors. Each one shared a different gift. I've been fortunate to earn both a BS & MS in Biology (Go Eags!!!), BA Secondary Education and about a gazillion other science credits.

I love learning, sharing knowledge & keeping my brain busy. (There’s sooo much cool stuff out there!!) I truly believe that knowledge is not a possession. It is a blessing and a gift to be shared. My hope is that I can plant seeds of knowledge in our students’ minds. Seeds to grow and TOTALLY change how they see the world.
